Twin Creek Wind Farm

A new wind farm project in Australia

Project Summary

In October 2019 RES Australia Pty Ltd (RES) was granted planning consent for the Twin Creek Wind Farm comprising up to 51 turbines (180m tip height) and associated infrastructure to generate up to 185MW of electricity.

Since 2019 there has been substantial evolution in wind turbine technology. To take advantage of this change in wind turbine technology, RES has optimised the project layout.

A Planning Application for the optimised project has now been lodged with the State Planning Commission and will be on public notification from 5 March 2025 for a minimum of 15 business days.

The optimised proposal is for a wind farm and battery storage facility with the following components (all subject to detailed design):

  • Up to 42 Wind Turbine Generators (WTG);
  • WTGs based on the Vestas V172-7.2MW as the candidate turbine, with an overall turbine blade tip height of up to 220 metres, a hub height of up to 134m and a rotor diameter of up to 172m. The final turbine model will be subject to a competitive tender process following development authorisation;
  • Each WTG has a name plate capacity of up to 7.2MW, with an installed generating capacity of up to 270MW;
  • Associated hard standing areas and access roads;
  • Operations and maintenance building and compound with associated car parking;
  • Two electrical substations (one project substation within the windfarm boundary and one cut-in terminal substation;
  • A battery energy storage facility with an indicative capacity of 215MW.
  • Overhead and underground electrical cable reticulation;
  • Overhead transmission line for approximately 15 kilometres from the on-site substation to the existing overhead Robertstown- Tungkillo transmission line east of Truro;
  • Meteorological mast(s) for measuring wind speed and other climatic conditions, and;
  • Temporary construction facilities including a borrow pit and concrete batching plant-facilities.

The indicative concept infrastructure layout for the proposed development is provided on the maps below.

Click to enlarge

The final design was shaped by a number of detailed technical, engineering and environmental studies and assessments including:

  • Ecology- Flora and Fauna
  • Landscape and visual
  • Noise
  • Cultural heritage
  • Bushire risk
  • Shadow flicker and blade glint
  • Aviation
  • Access & transport
  • Geology and hydrology
  • Socio-economic

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us, via the dedicated phone number, email, or complete mailing list registration form at the link on the Contact Us page.