Twin Creek Wind Farm

A new wind farm project in Australia

Project Location

The project is located approximately 90 km north east of Adelaide, with the closest turbines ~11km north east of Kapunda. The site crosses the Light Regional, Goyder Regional and Mid Murray Council areas. The site is approximately 5,600 ha of farm land used predominately for sheep grazing and cereal cropping. The Project will have minimal impact on agriculture and uses only a small portion of the total land area.  

The site has excellent exposure to South Australia’s abundant wind resources, making it an ideal location for a renewable energy project.

Click map to enlarge

Why is the project located where it is?

This site has been selected as it is ideal for a renewable energy development for the following reasons:
  • Excellent exposure to South Australia’s world class wind resources
  • Excellent transport access with minimal impact to local roads and excellent access to major roads 
  • Excellent complementary use of land with farming.  Much of the site has steep and complex terrain and so is unsuitable for arable farming such as cereal cropping
  • Excellent distance buffering (2km+) of wind turbines to the nearest non-involved neighbouring dwellings
  • Very low environmental impacts – the site is almost completely devoid of native trees and shrubs