Twin Creek Wind Farm

A new wind farm project in Australia


The Project received Development Plan Consent in 2019 after RES completed a suite of environmental studies and submitted a full planning application for the Project to the State Commission Assessment Panel.   

Since the original consent was granted, there has been substantial evolution in wind turbine technology. To take advantage of this, RES has optimised the project. The optimised project is proposes the construction and operation of up to 42 wind turbine generators (blade tip height up to 220 m) with a name plate capacity of up to 7.2MW and a total installed generation capacity of up to 270MW.

RES is continuing development of the Twin Creek Wind Farm and Energy Storage given the social and economic benefits it is expected to provide at state, regional and local levels.

RES submitted a planning application for the optimised project in late 2023 and has now finalised the application. It is expected that a planning determination will be made in mid 2025. 

It is envisaged that construction will begin in 2027, pending planning and grid connection approvals.

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